Tuesday, January 20, 2015

fond memories #4 ++ food review #5

You must be wondering what am I doing in this long ass holiday before college starts, I am still having dilemma to pick STPM or A levels, April intake or July intake, MCKL or TARC. Decisions, decisions. Well, I went for a few driving lessons and I was so excited that I was able to move the car. Really looking forward to February to get my license. ( The truth is, my driving skill isn't very good, I am really anxious about JPJ test, oh well, lets just hope for the best ) Currently, I am reading this fiction book entitiled A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout. Once you read the first chapter, you will never stop reading it, her story is spectacular,I really admire her strength and every passage captivates you. Okay now I am going to blog about my Saturdays for this month

11th of January 2015

I had a movie date with my elementary best friend, Zi Shan at Citta Mall. In 2012, we watched taken 2, it was a fantastic movie, we were looking forward to taken 3 and we promised each other to watch it together. After 3 years, we watched again. Man, I really love watching movies in MBO because you can buy the cheapest seat and sit at the couple seat to enjoy your movie. The movie hall was literally empty. Sadly, taken 3 wasn't what we expected, it wasn't so bad but taken 2 is way better. After the movies, we went for grocery shopping because we wanted to try food art. 

a lazy ootd shot

Lesson learnt: if we want to come to Citta Mall, one of us must know how to drive, I swear crossing the road there will make you cry like a banshee 

I am not joking, living in Malaysia for 18 years ,that day was my very first time taking a taxi, honestly I don't really trust taxies here because they seriously like to con your money and the drivers can creep the hell out of you. Thank God we were safe so woohoo. Zi Shan was making fruit popsicles and I was making food art. 

Yes I am the Princess Bunny and she is the Peasant Kitty, bow down you filthy peasant

We forgot to buy seaweed so we used blueberry as a substitution of seaweed eyes. Not too bad isn't it

They say if I can be any animal, I will be a bunny. 

unfortunately we didn't get to take photos of our fruit ice lolly because it wasn't completely freeze. I had to go home the following day, Zi Shan tried our popsicle, however the popsicle wasn't sweet enough. 

18th of January 2015

Preeya and I went to education fair at KLCC. In education fair, I will never fail to grab some food from MIB. Their pastries will never disappoint me. After 4 hours of walking and asking, Preeya and I were dead beat so we decided to rest and have our lunch at Ben's at KLCC. The ambience at KLCC is way better than Pavilion's, but I have to say that the food at Pavilion taste better. 

Last year Sze Tein, Kimberly and I had the same thing! But this time we didn't order spaghetti! Next time I really need to try different dish 

loved the Belgian criss cut fries with their handmade sauce. The fries were so crispy. It taste way better if you dip the fries into the sauce and some Heinz chill sauce!

this was edited using VSCOcam so it looks way nicer than the others, if I am really lazy to edit my photos with VSCO I will just edit with photoscape. ( I am really lazy to use photoshop too )

Craving satisfied! Preeya and I shared this since the portion was really big. This is one of my favourite vegetarian dish from Ben's, absolutely love eating the lasagne with the green sauce (I had no idea what is that, it was probably a combination of garlic and some sauce, but it was really good)

      with love,

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